Youth Director
Paula Baumgartner
First United Lutheran Church * * 218-463-1392 * Roseau, MN
Sunday School + Confirmation Classes + Youth Group + Bible Camp + Vacation Bible School
Youth Groups Meeting times:
4th-6th grade meets 2nd Wednesday of the month 3:30-5:00 pm. with transportation provided from school to church.
7th-12th grade meet every Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm.
Please contact Paula,
if you would like to join
the youth group activities
and fun - all are welcome!!
Valentine’s Day party with the 4th-6th grade youth group!
We crafted Bible verse hearts and enjoyed decorating our own cookies!
We played BINGO for some fun prizes and enjoyed our time together!
Lunch date today with the 7-12th grade youth group!!
Dahlias was the perfect place to spend the afternoon!
We also celebrated a birthday! Happy Birthday Jenna!
We are glad you could join us for lunch!